Monday, January 23, 2012

How the Internet is Changing My Ways

Discovering I'm not alone
One of the coolest things about making this lifestyle change is the realization that I'm not alone. I realize that I'm posting this to my facebook page right above some lovely feedback, but it goes beyond that. Beyond the wonderful, honest, heartfelt comments that I receive, I am slowly coming to this realization that the issues with my body and my health are practically universal. In my research I've discovered hundreds of articles and images that point to this.

My new favorite website,, is full of helpful lists, tools, discussion boards etc. for real women who face daily challenges in overcoming the same obstacles that I'm struggling with. I'm really loving this article on their website, 40 No-Fail Diet Tips to Keep Your Resolutions on Track.

I've found my exact goals listed all over the internet from other women trying to get through the same thing. This brings me a remarkable sense of community that I'm so happy to be a part of. I hope that my blog does more than just keep me honest about reaching my goals, but that it inspires other women the way I've been inspired through my research.

Beyond my NYR
While working out how I would go about this lifestyle change, I had this idea that this year I would work on more than my health. I created a comprehensive list of all the areas of my life that I want to change, as well as a few ideas for steps I can take to change them. I did this in case I stop progressing on this NYR and I can then move o
n down the list. I bring this up because working on this NYR has also helped with two of the other areas on my list-read more, and watch less TV. I've found that I'm so busy keeping up with my NYR that I hardly have time to continue my hours of television watching that has literally taken over my life. Sure, I'm still behind a screen for about 12 hours a day, but I still count this as progress!

Because I LOVE beautiful images of average women, I leave you with the beauty above. I can't believe that with the body I have, it still shocks me to see images like this. Look at those rolls! And she is still so beautiful, not in spite of, but because she isn't a stick figure.

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