Saturday, May 4, 2013

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Friends, I have had some exciting news to share with you all for the past week.  Most of you know that about a week ago, a few friends and I completed a 5k.  I think I'll wait to post about that event in a later post.

For now, I want to share with you all that I did it.  Earlier this year I decided to set my weight goal at 145 pounds, or the start of the "healthy weight range" according to the BMI scale.  Today I write you weighing in at 144.  I'm wearing size small and 4/6s.


It's strange being here.  I've reached my goal but I still feel like I have quite a ways to go.  I feel so good about where I am.  I am a new woman.  In so many ways I have been reborn.

As a symbolic gesture of where I've been over the last few months, I've done something today that I've been preparing for since the beginning.  Today, I chopped off all my hair.

I've had cropped hair before.  When I was a kid my Granny would cut it up to my chin every summer.  2007 was the last time I had short hair because every time I saw my reflection in the mirror I was horrified at how fat my face looked with the cut.  I kept hearing JK Rowling describing Harry's cousin Dudley as, "a pig in a wig."  Since then I've looked on with envy at all the gorgeous short haircuts out there.  Now, at a healthy weight, I am no longer that girl.  I am in charge of my body, in charge of my cravings, in charge of my hair.  I love it.

1 comment:

  1. In my testosteron-imbibed, male, heterosexual eyes you look perfectly beautiful, stunning and healthy on these pictures. Please excuse my unusual boldness and audacity of complimenting you like this. I'm just amazed that this is the BEGINNING of the healthy weight range. Best of luck for the future.
